Helping Mayoral and Council Candidates
With historically low voter turnout Municipal races leveraging voter targeting strategies have a significant advantage. Identify your supporters, engage with undecideds and get your voters out on Election Day.
A successful campaign needs an affordable way to track and communicate with electors.
Our mobile-ready software allows you and your team manage the campaign from anywhere, at anytime of the day and affordable for local candidates.
With services starting as low as $27/month, we have something for any size race. Running for local office is challenging and we are here to help. Let's start with a conversation. Below are just some of our services:

Campaign with a Phone, Tablet or Computer
Track your supporters, collect donations and organize volunteers. VoterTrack also manages your lawn sign install, tracks locations and replacement request. We have helped run hundreds of local campaigns for over 20 years. Let us help you, run and win.

Let's chat about your next steps
We have services that can help a campaign of any size. Let's start a conversation about your potential upcoming candidacy, we would love to chat.